Dumfries & Galloway Adventure Tourism Accelerator


Dumfries and Galloways stunning landscapes, coastlines and natural environment are home to an increasing variety of leisure and adventure activities that offer unrivalled experiences for visitors.

There is increasing recognition of the value of the outdoors to the Dumfries and Galloway economy and the role it plays in supporting sustainable economic growth by creating employment, sustaining tourism spend and enhancing the profile of the area through the promotion of its natural landscape and scenery.

The sustainable growth of Adventure Tourism is a strategic priority for Dumfries & Galloway Council and the ambition is to accelerate business growth across targeted Adventure Tourism businesses.

What is the Adventure Tourism Accelerator Programme?

The Adventure Tourism Accelerator Programme brings like minded businesses together and with the help of industry experts, you will have the opportunity to collaborate, create scale and develop an understanding of new consumer markets and business opportunities.

Benefiting from flexible business support, and the opportunity to link up with like-minded businesses, adventure tourism businesses from across Dumfries & Galloway will be supported through a series of specialist workshops with inspiring speakers, combined with one-to-one expert support and advice. The programme will commence in April 22 and run through until September 22.

Adventure tourism businesses, both large and small, who are located in Dumfries & Galloway and selected businesses located in Mid and East Antrim are invited to register interest.

Criteria for Participation

The programme is fully funded for businesses (excluding travel costs), however there will be a cost in terms of time. You need to be able to commit a maximum of 5 days to the programme, spaced across a number of months. To qualify for the programme you:

  1. Must be operating within the marine, wildlife, adventure and activity tourism sector
  2. Have been trading at least 6 months
  3. Have the ambition to grow/develop the business e.g. addition of a new product/experience, increase capacity etc.
  4. Are looking to improve the operational efficiency e.g. the introduction of an on line booking system, a web refresh,
  5. Are able to commit your time to participate in the workshops, one to ones and learning journey

Who is it for?

The programme is open to individuals and small businesses operating in the adventure tourism sector and located in Dumfries & Galloway.

The programme is designed for motivated and enthusiastic business owners, directors or senior personnel of established and aspiring businesses. You will currently have a key and active role in the business and be keen to develop your business and personal skills, capabilities and industry connections.

Programme Funder

Delivery Team

0131 364 4756

5 South Charlotte Street
Edinburgh EH2 4AN